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        PT Absorbent

        [ Products Description ] 

        PT absorbent has advantages of high surface area, high speed of absorption, crushing strength, side usage and long working life. It can be widely used in the recovery of the natural gas, purification of air, removal H2S and etc.

        Add: Xiangdong Ceramic Industrial Park, Pingxiang City, Jiangxi Province  Chairman: Xv Huaisheng +86-13907993138 General manager:Zhang Mingli +86-13907999263
        Tel: +86-799-3411918  Fax: +86-799-3412668  E-mail: pcp@sino-packing.com  P.C.: 337022  
        Pingxiang Petrochemical Packing Co., Ltd. Copyright(C)2015 Supported by?ChemNet?ChinaChemNet?Toocle


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